Spesifikasi Program Studi

Program TitleArchitecture Undergraduate Program (PS-ARS)
Awarding InstitutionFaculty of Engineering (FATEK), Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT)
Postal AdressFaculty of Engineering Building, Jl. Kampus UNSRAT, Bahu, District of Malalayang, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia (Postal Code : 95115)
Email & WebsiteEmail : arsitekturs1@unsrat.ac.id ; Website : https://fatek.unsrat.ac.id/s1arsitektur/
Detail of Accreditation by a Professional od Statutory BodyAccredited with grade ‘A’ by Indonesian National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT), with score 372 of 400, since 4 th August 2016
Title AwardedBachelor of Architecture (S.Ars. / Sarjana Arsitektur )
Learning OutcomesIn K-2020 formulation, the ELOs of PS-ARS can be simplified in 14 ELOs which consist of 1 ELO in Attitude category, 7 ELOs in Skills category and 6 ELOs in Knowledge category. See part 2 section1 for details.
Admission Requirements All prospectus students have to be high school graduates. In general, as study program under a State Unversity, there are four entry options to this program, which are :
1)   SNMPTN (National Entry Selection of Public Universities)
2)   SBMPTN (Joint Entry Selection of Public Universities)
3)   Local (University) Admissions, namely the Tumou Tou (T2) Program
4)   National Policy of Affirmation Admissions (for prospective students who have disabilities or come from frontier, underdeveloped, and disadvantaged areas)
Each mode of entry has different admission requirements and executed anually. See part 2 section 8 for details
Annual Student Intake Approximately 80 students per year
Programme Structure and Content Based on SN-DIKTI, the program uses a semester credit point system called SKS, which is regulated as follows:
• 1 SKS of teaching covers 50 minutes contact hours, 60 minutes assignment/tutorial, and 60 minutes of self-study (per week)
• 1 SKS of practicum / seminar covers 170 minutes of practicum / seminar session (per week),
each for approximately 16 weeks per semester.
In the K-2020, the program structure consists of 42 Courses with a total of 146 SKS, which are planned to be fulfilled in 8 semesters. This curriculum consists of 4 National Compulsory Courses with a total of 8 SKS (5%); 5 University Compulsory Courses with a total of 12 SKS (9%); 1 Faculty Compulsory Course with a total of 2 SKS (1%); and 32 Study Program Courses with a total of 124 SKS (85%), within this there are 4 Courses with a total of 12 SKS that should be chosen by students out of 8 Elective Courses provided. See part 2 section 3 for details.
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Strategies The teaching and learning methods applied are mainly based on the variety of Student Centre Learning (SCL) methods, such as the experimental design studio, group discussion, simulation and role-play, cooperative and collaborative learning, contextual instruction/ lecturing, project based learning, and problem based learning. The most basic method applied in the core courses is the experimental design studio. The assessment strategies, include the assesment rubrics and scoring guides, are in line with each of the teaching and learning methods apllied, such as course exams, observations, portfolios, assignments, quizzes, bachelor theses / final design project and peer feedbacks. Each course has specific teaching. learning and assesment methods which are described in what so called semester learning plan (RPS) of the course. All of the Course RPS are attached in the PS-ARS Curriculum Book. See part 2 section 4 and 5 for details
Standard Period of Study and Credit Points Gained The ideal standard period of study in this study program is 4 years (8 semesters), with a maximum tolerance of 7 years (14 semesters) according to the SN-DIKTI provisions. The bachelor of architecture degree will be awarded if the student has completed 146 SKS as desgined in the curriculum.
Modes of study Studies are full time and take place on weekdays from 08.00 to 17.00 for 16 weeks each semester.
Programme starting date within the academic year and first time the programme has been/will be offered The starting time of the program each academic year is in August. This program was first offered since 1983, and legalized by the Decree of the Minister of Education & Culture of Indonesia, Number 48, on July 18th 1984.
Additional Course Rules In general, additional rules regarding courses are stated in the academic regulatory documents that apply institutionally, especially Rector Regulation No.1 of 2019, as the latest academic regulations.
In particular, an additional rule regarding courses in this study program is the application of prerequisite courses to other courses in a hierarchical order, especially for groups of core courses in the curriculum. This provision requires students to pass the pre-set prerequisite courses before they can take certain courses. See part 2 section 3 for details.
Drop-Out Rules In accordance with the applicable provisions, students are declared to have dropped out of study based on three reasons, respectively:
a)   own initiative (student resignation),
b)   administrative reasons, (student did not register for 4 (four) consecutive semesters or committed certain disciplinary violations)
c)   academic reasons, (if at the evaluation at the end of semester 4, student only achieved GPA <2.00 and cumulative SKS passed <45 or the maximum study period (14 semester) has been reached and the student has not graduated).
In details the rules applied are stated on the Rector Regulation No.1 of 2019.
Special (Student Entry) Requirement None
Subject Benchmark Academic Institution for benchmarking:
1)      Bandung Insitute of Technology
2)      Petra Chritian University, Surabaya
3)      Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Institute of Technology
Graduate ProfilesIn general, the graduate profile on this program is to be a Bachelor of Architecture who has the ability to work independently or in group, based on competence, knowledge and skills in various fields of construction industry related to architectural services that received international recognition in the ASEAN Region, based on Vernacular Architecture of Coastal and Hilly Areas.
In specific, the graduate profile of this study program is aimed at 4 (four) categories of possible professional roles that graduates can fill in, which are :
1)      Enterpreneurs in construction industry (professional architect, consultant, contractor and developer)
2)      Construction industry workers (architect/designer, constructor and supervisor)
3)      Academics
4)      Bureaucrates
Job OpportunityLatest data from tracer study in 2019 show that 80 % of the alumni have jobs that in line with the four categories of graduate profiles. See part 2 section 11 for details.
Teaching & Learning FacilitiesIn general, the facilities include classrooms, studios / workshops, laboratories, libraries (digital & conventional), seminar rooms, academic administration offices, lecturer offices, auditorium, sport facilities, digital / internet services, etc. See part 2 section 9 for details
Academic Staff (Faculty Member)In total there are 43 academic staff (faculty member) involved in this program include 2 professors, 15 associate professors, 20 assistant professors (senior lecturers) and 5 assistant lecturers
Date on which the program specification was revised August 2020, Academic Year of 2020/2021