“International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Practices (IConSEP)” is an annual international conference held by the Faculty of Engineering Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia. The conference was started in 2018 and aimed to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, achievements, experiences and information addressing to environmental issues related to the engineering practices among academics, researchers, engineers, manufacturers and post graduate scholars around the world, and to discuss and evaluate the latest methods, approaches and innovative technologies to improve environmental quality when applying them in engineering works. This year, Faculty of Engineering Sam Ratulangi University will conduct the 2nd IConSEP which will be held in Manado, 23 to 24 September 2019. The theme of this year’s conference will be: “Strengthening the role of engineering in achieving sustainable development goals”.

More information: http://iconsep.unsrat.ac.id/2019/

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