AUN-QA Assessment for Informatics Engineering Study Programme (IESP)
Today marks another milestone in the history of UNSRAT as the university will be undergoing international certification conducted by Asean University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) 12-16 September 2022. So proud that our study program, undergraduate program in Informatics Engineering, is one of the selected program to be assessed and be part of history. It such an honour for the Informatics Engineering Study Program, as the youngest study program among the 4 study programs assessed, was entrusted by UNSRAT to take part in the AUN-QA assessment.
The assessment started from September 12 to September 16, 2022. The assessors who assessed the Informatics Engineering study program were from Vietnam (Dr. Pham Van Tuan) and from Cambodia (Mr. Mean Udam). It is an honor for our study program to be assessed by these two assessors, and receive valuable input from them.
This assessment activity involves the leadership of the engineering faculty, the SAR team, the lecturer team, the student team, the graduate team and users of informatics engineering graduates. We would like to thank all those who have dedicatedly been involved in the implementation of this activity. All have given their best, hopefully we can get the expected results together.